Remembering Tweedy



Joan Tweedy was a highly respected ceramics artist and professor at UNC Charlotte. I was given the opportunity to design a booklet with fellow designers in remembrance of Tweedy, and to highlight the works of alumni she impacted. The book was also used to highlight two exhibitions to be held in memory of Tweedy, one featuring her work and the other featuring work of her former students. In addition, the booklet was able to bring awareness to organizations on campus that Tweedy was passionate about, including the Jamil Niner Student Pantry. My role for the project included creating multiple layouts, shooting original photography, and communicating design solutions with our universities art department. Once the booklet was completed, it was mailed to UNC Charlotte alumni and within the Charlotte art community. In the end, the booklet was well received and fulfilled our original goal, to highlight the life of a professor whose impact can still be seen on UNC Charlotte's campus today.

Mailer For Booklet (Original Photography)


Book Cover (Original Photography)


Booklet First Page


Bio on Joan Tweedy

Examples of Tweedy’s Work


Spread highlighting the Jamil Niner Student Pantry (Original Photography)


Highlighting Alumni Exhibition (Original Photography)


Example of an Alumni Spread


Front and Back Cover


The 1975 Poster Series


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